

When I am driving there is a lot going on. There are three kids in the car. Two of those children like to argue constantly. There is either High School Musical or Camp Rock soundtracks loud enough for Katie to hear. She has issues about the volume. I’m also on my phone a lot of the time. Handing tissues to the kids, drinks, snacks, turning around to reprimand them. Add to that my pentiant for speeding and I’m sure I am an accident waiting to happen.

We were headed to the airport yesterday in rush hour traffic. It was only Brian, Alex and I. We had to catch a flight to Pennsylvania for Andy and Karen’s wedding.

Last time we flew to PA, we were in horrible traffic, which consisted of many accidents and I believe two car fires. They weren’t sure if our luggage was going to make it and we had to run to the gate as they were waiting on us so that they could close the doors. Very close call. In fact when our luggage did come off the conveyor, we jumped for joy, praised God and I passionately kissed Brian. I was excited to say the least!

So I was commenting to Brian how there was traffic and how I was glad we were almost to the airport and had plenty of time to spare, unlike last time. I was thinking in my head, thank goodness there are no car fires. That’s when I notice a bus coming in opposite traffic and it looks to be on fire. I mention it to Brian, I think that bus is on fire, nope just  a lot of exhaust billowing out of the back and out of service. That’s when I look in front of me to see traffic stopped dead. I hit the brakes and proceed to smash into the car in front of us. I freaked. Brian had me pull over to the side. He got out of the car and so did the woman I hit. I was shaking so bad. She was ok and there was no damage to her car. Brian asked if she wanted to exchange numbers, she said no. We then went on our way. Made it to the airport and had plenty of time.

Brian was very calm about it all and gave me a much needed hug. Two seconds, that’s all it took. When I normally have so much more going on. Brian tells me it’s a lesson. I think it’s one I needed to learn!

LCC, Life, My Husband

I was resting my eyes…

At least that is what I thought I was doing. Brian said I had bobbing head syndrome, and it looked like I was a puppet being manipulated by Kelly Peters, who happened to be sitting right behind me.

Rick Tawney is going to be the part time cell group pastor and he was the speaker today. The problem wasn’t the message or the way it was delivered. The problem was that Alex woke up at 3am and was hitting me in the face with his little fist and whipping me with his spit cloth! He wasn’t interested in nursing. He was just interested in talking and being wide awake! I finally got up with him around 6:30am. Church had just the right environment for my brain to shut down and try to nod off into dream land. I was absolutely exhausted.

I was wondering why Brian kept nudging me, I thought he was being sweet and rubbing my leg because he loves me, he was just embarrassed by my lack of consciousness!


No Presents on Christmas Eve..

The girls big gifts this year are, drum roll please, American Girl and Bitty Baby. Multiple family members have contributed to these gifts in one way or another. We’re talking Kit for Brianna, and a Bitty baby for Katie, outfits galore (some even matching for the girls), beds, accessories, you name it, they are probably getting it.

The problem: Aunt Paula not being able to stay for Christmas due to work. She and Michael are coming in on Monday and leaving on Christmas Eve.

My Mom and Aunt Freda’s solution is the following:  Let the girls open up the dolls and everything Christmas Eve so that Aunt Paula can take part.

I put my foot down with dramatic irritability. I cannot stress this enough, in no way, shape or form will the girls be opening their biggest gifts on Christmas Eve. Not gonna happen.

My Mom now understands. Freda sent a text saying she understood as well.  I will have a talk with Aunt Paula, but I don’t think it will even be an issue.

Now I better not hear anymore of this nonsense again!



I’ve been in a major LJ slump. I just don’t even know what to write. I suppose I should just write whatever is on my mind, but I have been reluctant to do so for some reason. I know I usually go through my phases with LJ, but I wish I could just snap out of it.

We have been pretty busy around here, and like usual I have been running around like crazy. I have managed to get Christmas done for the kids and Brian. I’m pretty excited for Christmas this year. I’m still crocheting a bunch of stuff, but it’s a quick scarf pattern so I’m pretty sure I’ll get that stuff done.

Tonight is Brianna’s Christmas program at school. It’s called “A Star is Born”. She is thrilled. They are doing it in Chapel this morning for the whole school and then the family performance is tonight. Katie’s Christmas program is tomorrow at 1. I’m going to pull Brianna from class so she can see it. I’m praying that Brian will be able to make it, someone is out from work this week and there is an auction due tomorrow at some time that he has to do. My Mom and Dwight are definitely going to be there though.

I got a pink and gray dyson from Target on black friday. I’m in love with this machine! And I was completely sickened by what my old vacuum left behind. Who knew that vacuuming could be so much fun LOL.

Last night was the second to last unit in the Bible Study my friends and I are doing. I think I’m going to take a break from leading after this one and just do a study with Brian. I think it will bring us closer to the Lord individually, as well as together as a couple. Not sure what we are going to do though, anyone have any suggestions????

I need to go food shopping today at Aldi, and I’m so glad that it is more on the warm side. I was thinking of seeing if my Mom could watch the kids so I could go alone and then leave Katie there and just take Alex home. More stuff is arriving via Amazon today and I want to open it up and wrap stuff.

Oh and Alex has his first illness. He had a fever on Sunday, and it’s possibly back today. I was actually thinking of taking him in, but he is his happy self. He was miserable on Sat. night though. Poor baby boy. Though I think being 6 months old and the first time getting sick is pretty awesome!!!

I got a diaper sprayer and tried to install it with my mind not all there. I don’t have a flexible supply line, which was my first mistake, the second was turning the water on full blast instead of off. I had a flooded bathroom and I was soaked. Thankfully I found it more comical than aggravating. I need to go to Home Depot and get the right line and then reinstall. At least this time I will get it right!

Alex has been having oatmeal and started doing the first foods. Just apples, bananas and sweet potatos. He loves it, but now his poop is just plain nasty. I need this diaper sprayer!!!!!!

Alright, Katie is clammering for my attention. I need to go. I’ll try to get some pictures up soon!


Whoa, I’ve been busy..

And it’s not stopping anytime soon.

I started painting the loft yesterday, spent 1.5hrs at walmart with all 3 kiddos getting stuff for Brianna’s late sleepover birthday party. made a huge pan of brownie/peanut butter cookie, had cell group, started decorating for the party, making craft projects for the kids.

Today I have to finish up the one wall in the loft, finish the craft stuff, finish decorating, my friend Tammy is coming over and maybe Kelly for a playdate this morning, eat lunch, take Katie to school, get HSM:senior year the wii game.get anything else i missed from the store. pick up the girls, take Katie to my parents for her special sleepover, meet brian at school for Brianna’s conference with Mrs. Mann. Drop the van off to get checked out before our big trip to PA, get home and finish party touch-ups. Send brian out for pizza. Then 7 little girls will be arriving for the party. 2 will not be spending the night.

I have been reading little bits at a time, but just haven’t been able to post or comment much.

Can I breathe yet???

Knocked Up, Life, My Husband, The Kids

And the clock keeps on ticking..

Today I’m 37wks! Alex can come out whenever he wants now. Brianna came at 40+1 and Katie at 39.. I would rather have him early than be overdue! I’m more than ready to have him out and share him now, plus I can’t wait to see his cute little buns all fluffed out in cloth! I have my appt. today. Last week they started internals and did the GBS test.  I was 0 dilated, firm and long. With my history of doing no change before going into labor I wasn’t surprised!

Brian has a lot going on at work and would like Alex to come anytime now as well so he can take off, LOL.. He is really excited about this little boys arrival and thinks it will be next week sometime.

Brianna’s last day of Kindy is today. I can’t believe it. Where has this year gone? I feel so sad that I wasn’t the best mom I could have been for her this year with being so sick most of it or so uncomfortable and irritable. She’s going to miss her friends, so we’ll have to set up lots of playdates and keep in touch.  Her class had a fieldtrip to the zoo yesterday. I went as well as Katie, my Mom and Dwight (who got layed off 😦 last week I think it was). Brianna really wanted to go with her friend Eden, it was a really laid back trip. So I let her go off with Eden and her Mom and another little girl. She was thrilled. I was walking around like a snail and so uncomfortable anyway and Katie was super whiny. I’m glad that I made her last field trip a fun one, by not trying to be involved LOL.

Katie was done with preschool last week. My poor girl. The reason she was so whiny yesterday was she was getting sick. I thought it was just plain old allergies, but it wasn’t. Had a fever last night of 102. Threw up in our bed and complained of her ears hurting.. I’m getting her into the ped. today. If she has an ear infection that is the 2nd one this year.

Alright, I know I have more to say, but my brain is starting to falter…

Knocked Up, Life, My Husband, The Kids

Please let the sickies go!

I want all this sickness gone from my house, especially before Christmas.

Katie and I have pink eye.

Brianna is getting over pneumonia w/asthma.. She was on zithromax and has to take an albuterol inhaler every 4 hours. She missed 6.5 days of school.

Brian is now sick as well..

On the upside, the last two days morning sickness hasn’t been bad at all.. So hopefully I’m coming to an end of that..

I’ve pretty much been away from the computer, we had internet issues so I was offline for two days and just taking care of everyone and feeling sick myself..

I hope everyone had a wonderful Thanksgiving..

Life, Pictures, The Kids

Playdate fun!

I decided to have some friends over today and it was a lot of fun!! Kendra, Tommie and Evie showed up around 10.. Ann-Morgan came at 10:30 (her girls Katie and Paige were already over. I was watching them so she could go get a spa treatment). Then Carrie, Logan and Lauren showed up. Tammy, Isaac, Sam and Lillian. Kelly, Grant and Addie. Last but not least, Kelly and Carson. The kids played outside on the swingset, in the sandbox and in the pool.

We ordered pizza from Pizza Pan. This place is awesome. You buy one pizza and get 2 free if you pick it up. So I got a family size, 16 slices and 2 free family sizes! It was 3 bucks per family! That’s a deal!! You can’t even do fast food for that for a family!

Only 3 pictures. They were doing such a great job eating their pizza. Isaac, Sam, Lillian, Lauren and Paige are missing from the pictures. They must have been inside.

They were doing such a great job eating quietly out there! It was definitely a good time!

Katie K., Addie and Katie


Brianna, Evie, Carson, Tommie, Logan and Grant

Life, Pictures

Scrapbook Weekend Jan. 26-28!

We had an absolute blast during the scrapbook weekend. Tammy and I got there around 7:30ish, we had gotten lost! We ate some dinner and then started down to business. We had fun laughing and carrying on, as well as getting some pages done. I think I did 1 or 2 LOL..Which is actually good for me. I tend to socialize way more than I scrap. Christie had to keep me in check LOL. We left the craft building around 1-1:30am. Then watched My Big Fat Greek Wedding while eating stromboli until 3am. Didn’t fall asleep until 4am.

Christie getting some advice from Krisha.

Michelle writing a check for the weekend. I love her pages, she does an awesome job!

Tammy doing getting her beads together. She made necklaces, bracelets and earrings!

We got about 3 hours of sleep, got up and went back to the craft building to start more fun LOL. Stephanie took more pics than I did, and I’m in all of her pics LOL, so I don’t have any with me in them. I took time to scrap and then would get a snack and chat for awhile. It’s hard for me to focus when there is talking that can be done LOL. We stayed in the craft building until dinner. Went back to the cottage to eat. Then came back and scrapped until 1am. Then hung out, took showers and talked until 3am..

Sarah talking to Krisha.

Michelle going through pictures 🙂

Kelly giving me the “why are you taking my picture V” look, LOL!

A page that I was working on. One of my faves of the weekend!

Sunday we got up around 11. Didn’t do any scrapping. Just got our stuff cleaned up and then took off for home. I drove, Tammy and Michelle came with me. We got some frosty’s on the way.

I really can’t wait to do it again. It was so much fun and those girls are hilarious. We spent so much time laughing. I got about 9-10 pages done total. Which is awesome for me!

Birthdays, Life, Pictures, The Kids

Our Labor Day Weekend!

Friday night we went to the pet store to see some puppies! Brianna had said she wanted to go so after dinner we went over to Petland. First we looked at the rabbits, I picked one up for the girls to pet, it started going crazy so I put it back. Then I let a bird hop onto my finger so they could see. We took a look at all the puppies. We picked a little fluffy puppy, not sure of the breed and took it to the little cubicle and the girls were in puppy heaven! It was all over the place, going back and forth between Brianna and Katie. And it kept nibbling on their clothes, shoes and fingers. It was cute until I picked it up and looked at it’s face and I swear it had an ewok face and all I could do was laugh at it the rest of the time. We said good bye to the animals and went home. After putting the kids to bed Brian and I watched Who’s Line, had some fun on the stairs on the way up to bed and then I fell fast asleep!

Saturday, I was up early, I couldn’t sleep after my 6am temp time. Katie got up around 7 to go potty. We went back into bed to cuddle. Then Brianna came in. Brianna and I got dressed, went to Walmart to get party stuff, got some cupcakes, tinkerbell/cars cups, tinkerbell/cars stickers, oreo mini snack bags, matchbox cars, jacks and apple juice. Went to Joanne Etc. got a bunch of foam craft stuff on sale with an extra 40% off and some blank puzzles. We got home, gave Brianna a bath and got her dressed. I jumped in the shower and got myself together. Brian and Katie were all ready to go. I made the goody “bags” Got all the craft stuff together. Loaded the van and we were off. Half way to the rec center I remembered that I had forgotten candles and a lighter. So we stopped at Kroger. I ran in, got a number 5 candle, a lighter, a bag of chex mix and 2 liter of coke and sprite. We got to the rec center, unloaded Brianna and I and all the stuff to take in, Brian and Katie parked the van. Got stuff set up and a couple minutes later in walked Hannah, Brianna’s first guest. Talked to her father, he got her changed, (it was supposed to be a pool party) and then he left. The girls started making necklaces. Then came Carrie with Lauren, Logan was at his golf lesson and was going to come late. Then in came the twins with their grandmother and then Jennifer their mom walked in. Then Deana, Conner and Brandon, Jenny, with Taylor and Aaron. After that Kelly with Griffen. All the kids did crafts and then we went to the gym, they played with the balls and we did the parachute. Then we went back to the room for cupcakes and then presents. It went pretty smoothly and 2 hours was just fine! After that we went to my parents. Katie took a nap. My Mom and I went through the JC Penney catalog, then put up the fall decorations. We left after Katie got up. She did the cutest thing, she kept creeping up on people and saying “I’m……. Going…….To……Getchoo!” And then would tickle us. She did it to Popi repeatedly. It was adorable! We left, got the kids McDonald’s and us some BW3’s wings. Brian and I had a money arguement, before, during and after I put the kids to bed. I left and went to Kelly’s and was there until 11:30..

All crafts set up and getting Brianna and Hannah started. Katie eating chex mix 🙂

Hannah making her very own puzzle, she drew her family! Brianna making a necklace with star beads!

Katie drawing her puzzle!

On the left of the table: Taylor, Jennifer, Jennifer’s mom, Lauren, Amanda, Aaron, Jenny
On the right, Griffen, Hannah and baby Lauren!

Kelly, Carrie, baby Lauren’s head, Katie, Hannah and Griffen!

Open gym. Brianna waiting her turn, Brian lifting Katie up to make a basket.

Parachute fun! (most of these pics came out blurry 😦 )

All the kids would run underneath as soon as we would pull it up.

Brianna and Amanda!

Cupcakes and candle time! Taylor, Katie and I are cut off, Brianna and Lauren.

Buttercream icing is good! Brianna and Katie!

After opening Conner’s present (strawberry shortcake book and blueberry muffin doll) Deana, Brandon, Taylor, Brianna, Conner, Hannah, Katie, my arm LOL.

After opeing Hannah’s present (Dora figure, Angeline doll) Brianna and Hannah!

After opening the twins present (Lollipop, princess fruitsnack, glitter make-up, bracelet, princess place setting and flatware, princess game) Taylor, Brianna, Griffen, Lauren and Amanda!

After opening Taylor’s present (Barbie Mini Kingdom, odette and erika dolls) Taylor and Brianna!

After opening Logan and Griffen’s present (Belle, Cinderella and Aurora sparkle princesses) Logan, Brianna and Griffen

Logan, Griffen, Katie, Brianna, Taylor, Conner, Brandon, Amanda, Hannah (Lauren was hiding)

Sunday we went to church. Came home, had some lunch. Katie took a nap. I took a nap. Brian ended up falling asleep on the couch. I woke up, made chicken linguine (grabbed the wrong box, meant to get fettucine) and alfredo sauce! It was good. Then we went to Walmart to get some ranch dip mix and some ruffles and then off to the dollar theater. We saw Cars. It was really good. The girls both got the kid’s meal, popcorn, soda and m&m’s. Katie had to pee twice during the movie, so I missed some parts. Can’t wait until it is on DVD! Got the kids to bed and brian and I ate nutcones and watched an epi of smallville. Then up to bed and had some fun 🙂

Monday we had a slow day, my temp was still up, so Brian and I decided that I should go get a test. I went and got one at Walmart along with some cream cheese. Then stopped at Tim Horton’s for donuts and bagel. Had some breakfast when I got home. Did things around the house. Took the test. Brian went in to look at it and it was a bum test, there was no control line. There was nothing. So he wanted me to get another one. I decided no, I’d wait it out. I went in to watch tv and I looked at it again and the control line was there and it looked faint positive. I showed it to Brian, he saw it too. Then he wanted me to get another one. I said I would wait. Then when we looked again it was just negative. So I said I was definitely waiting. I ended up spotting a bit. We had dinner at my parents, the girls played in the pool. It was nice. Then we got home and hung out I think. I can’t remember LOL. I know once the girls were in bed we watched some TV about the Dugger family and then some of the shrinking woman. I went online for a bit and then went to bed.